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1. Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

2. Know what you want. Know why you want it.

3. How long will you further prolong your suffering in a series of short-lived near escapes, instead of crashing yourself against the wall with all your anger, for as many times as needed in order to break it down?

4. Too many people focus on being liked by others. Too few focus on being respected by others.

5. You’ve clinged so much on this self-help shit that you forgot how to actually enjoy what you’re doing. No one’s forcing you do read or do all that shit. You don’t have to.

Your rules are only here to limit your possibilities.

Who cares about time management and how others are „improving”, as long as you do something that you’re passionate about. That’s the whole point: finding something that you enjoy so much that you lose yourself in it and forget about all this „Start living your life in 30 easy steps” bullshit. ( Playing World of Warcraft for 20 hours a day doesn’t apply to my example, though ).

People find meaning in different things: in sex, in helping others, in teaching, in creating something, etc… It’s different from man to man. No one could or should tell you what should be meaningful to you.

Stop living your life according to a template.

6. Our personalities are so complex and constantly evolving, and still, we mistakenly think that if a person doesn’t like us, or something shitty outside our control happens, it says something about us. Whereas, when we finally realize that who we are as people isn’t really related to the way a random event happens; When we realize that there’s so many things that create our self-image, and define who we are, we can finally let all this games and fear go, and focus on having fun and appreciate the moments that trully mater to us.

7. Scarcity mentality or abundance mentality is about potential ( or lack of ), not about whatever happened in your past.

8. Your actions define yourself. Words, visualisations, inspirational readings, movies and other forms of mental masturbation are useless if they aren’t congruent with what you do for yourself.

Of course, actions matter more when you are aware of it and learn to appreciate yourself for that. And when you learn the importance of taking small steps.

Everything matters. Every little step, every action you take ( or lack of ), no matter how insignificant seems, matters. You either push yourself forward or reject yourself. It all reflects on your self-esteem.

If all you do is quitting, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself, guess what your life is gonna be all about…

PS: In caz ca nu v-ati dat seama, autorul meu favorit sunt eu. Chiar si in engleza.


  1. Nu cred…

  2. Everything matters. Every little step, every action you take ( or lack of ), no matter how insignificant seems, matters. You either push yourself forward or reject yourself. It all reflects on your self-esteem.

    asta imi place….bine si celelalte,dar asta chiar am pus in practica si chiar am trait pe pielea mea,cu o intensitate mai mare decat „as fi trait” celelalte citate!

    „autorul meu favorit sunt eu”-narcis? :))

  3. hai ca esti misto, si fiindca blogu-i public, nu ma pot abtine sa nu te am in blogroll, nu de alta, da dau mai repede de tine…

    misto citate, nu conteaza c-ai fi tu sau altul autorul lor, importanta e ideea transmisa…

    o zi ok!

    PS I love Mark Twain quotes!

    • Mersi frumos!

      apropo de PS, eu n-am un autor favorit, variaza de la Aristotel la Bruce Lee si de la Eisenhower la Lao Tze. Poate odata o sa postez si cateva din ele.

  4. „Fericirea e o cale, nu o destinaţie”…Semănăm..puţin..puţin mai mult.

    Citatul acesta l-am folosit şi eu într-un context…Citeşte, dacă vrei, „A iubi şi a nu fi iubit”, tag-incertitudini. Se întâmpla în perioada întrebărilor mele „existenţiale”!!! Tu ai cam început să şti despre ce vorbesc…ai devenit puţin „confidentul ” meu din umbră…şi nici nu mai eşti atât de „necunoscut”!

  5. Vlad, o întrebare…De ce engleză?
    Întrebarea asta se poate pune în cazul meu…de ce franceză? Eu cunosc răspunsul în cazul meu, dar mi-aş dori să-l ştiu şi în ceea ce te priveşte…dacă vrei, bineînţeles!

    • Sunt in engleza pentru ca toate concluziile astea le-am postat initial in alta parte, pe niste forumuri de coaching si self-help unde limba de baza era engleza.

  6. Scuze! Acum văd că nu ţi-am scris prenumele cu majusculă; NU FAC GENUL ACESTA DE GREŞELI! Scuze din nou!

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  1. By Citate favorite se intoarce « Zen in Web 2.0 on 21 oct. 2009 at 2:25 am

    […] dragoste, engleza, experienta, familie, prejudecati, reincarnari, somn, subconstient, ura Citate favorite se intoarce, tot in engleza, tot cu acelasi […]

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